Fun Cave
The first floor of our offices is dedicated to what many call a showroom. We call it the “Fun Cave”. In the Cave we have over 100sqm of innovative and fun product which will set your store apart from the rest. Just what your customers want and what you need!
Get in to see us! The biscuits are good, beverages suitably tasty and possibly intoxicating! There’s no better place to select your lines and build a great range.
Too Far To Travel? No Problem!
Too far to travel? No problem! Don't miss out on your chance to experience our awesome Fun Cave, Get in touch with our awesome sales team to organise a virtual tour! Say “Yes” to fun & “no way!” to the mundane.
Trade Shows
We take the Fun Cave on tour around the world. Our love of Birmingham runs deep. We take 85sqm to show our latest wares. Our Purveyors of Fun will be on hand to ensure a restful stop at the Boxer stand. Tea, coffee and dependent on the hour something stronger! Don’t miss the next best thing!
Spring Fair February - Hall 5, Stand A21
Autumn Fair September -
Atlanta Gift Mart January - Building 2, Floor 14, Suite 1418
Las Vegas Gift Show January - Building C, Floor 10, Suite C1079
NY Now Show February - Hall 1D, Stand 6715
Atlanta Gift Mart July - Building 2, Floor 14, Suite 1418
We do get very busy at the shows (hardly surprising with all this great stuff!) so try arrange a time to visit so we can make sure your Boxer contact is available for you. Speak with your contact directly or call 01133 955 595 /